Geeky Ch1ck

Geeky stuff

iKeepass for the iPhone and iPod Touch October 28, 2009

Filed under: Apps,iPhone,tools — Geeky Chick @ 10:51
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iKeepassiKeepass, the iPhone/iPod Touch version of the free and fantastic Mac/PC personal password aggregator, was finally approved for the Apple app store last week. It’s taken me this long to mention it because it’s taken me this long to get it working.

Now it IS working so I thought I’d share a tip, offered by another user on the iKeepass blog, on how to make it work in conjunction with using your Mac.

According to the iKeePass blog, for iKeepass to function you need to:

  1. Enable the option “Web Sharing” in the Sharing Settings.
  2. Copy your KeePass database file into the directory “Sites” (it is in your user home directory).
  3. Set the server name in your iKeePass application to your ip adress, eg

However, the IP address alone is not enough. Oh no. You need to add your username to the end of the IP address. This is not made clear in KeePass’s configuration guidance.

So, using the IP address example above, enter the following – including the tilde (the ~ character) – for the server address:

Now ‘add’ your database file and ‘open’ it. Once you’ve entered your password should be up and running.

As far as the app goes, it needs copy and paste and a search function, but I guess they’re coming in a later version? And not quite sure why the icon is yellow when it is usually blue…

Buy iKeepass ($0.99) from the app store.