Geeky Ch1ck

Geeky stuff

How to stream media to your PlayStation 3 November 23, 2009

Filed under: free stuff,tips and tricks,tools — Geeky Chick @ 16:22
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I have been away for a couple of weeks, but couldn’t wait to get back to play on my shiny new PlayStation 3.

The main reason I bought it was not for the games but to stream movies from my MacBook and Windows 7 PC to the TV. I had been using an old laptop with its screen removed for this, but it looked pretty ugly and didn’t play nice with the wifi in the house.

So, if you’re looking for a way to do this on your Mac try PS3 Media Server, which is also available for Windows. However, for Windows I prefer TVersity which does so much more than simply stream your own media, it also gives you the ability, for example, to stream podcasts.

Both are free (there’s a pro version of TVersity for ‘premium internet content’).

What do you use for streaming your media?